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Let’s start taking cycling seriously

Matt Pinder, Co-Chair, Cycle Hamilton Advocacy Committee Have you ever cycled on Hamilton’s streets? If not, then you likely only know cycling in Hamilton as it appears from behind the wheel of an automobile. From this perspective, surrounded by airbags and a giant steel…

City must commit to safer roads

One tragic day this month, Jay Keddy set off for his daily commute home from Prince of Wales school on Melrose Avenue North to the west end of the Hamilton Mountain. He never arrived. Jay Keddy was killed doing something that most of us don’t think twice about…

PRESS RELEASE – Join Cycle Hamilton to support a Unified Voice for Cyclists

Launched in October 2015, Cycle Hamilton aims to increase the amount of safe, confident, and knowledgeable cyclists in Hamilton by promoting better infrastructure and developing partnerships with organizations, community groups, and citizens.  To work towards this long-term goal, Cycle Hamilton has set the following goals for 2015-2016: Structure: Cycle…

Launching #HammerKart: Celebrating Our Cycling Infrastructure!

As part of 100in1 day, Cycle Hamilton is staging #HammerKart – an intervention to call awareness to our current strengths and deficiencies in our bicycle infrastructure to get people talking about cycling and to promote the value of fun in riding one’s bicycle. Why #HammerKart? In recent years…
