Meet Cora, our February Member of the Month!

Meet Cora, our newest Member of the Month!

When we asked Cora about her relationship with cycling, she told us: “I have been a proud member of Cycle Hamilton since inception. Recently, my small business, Hamilton Trike, also became a business member.

I am thankful that we have this organization in Hamilton, helping to make cycling and active transportation a viable and safe option in our city. When more and more people choose to leave their vehicle at home, we all benefit from cleaner air, safer streets, less congestion. There is lots of room for improvement to the cycling infrastructure in Hamilton and Cycle Hamilton works hard to keep you informed of developments and opportunities.

A recent study showed that for two out of three disabled cyclists, cycling is easier for them than walking. For these people SAFE, continuous and accessible infrastructure is the ONLY way for them to feel comfortable using their bike for transportation. It also allows independence along with the gains of exercise for physical and mental health. And really one does not have to be disabled to appreciate such things as this.”

Thanks for being a member, Cora!

To recommend someone as the next member of the month, email us at [email protected]

Happy riding!

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