PRESS RELEASE – Join Cycle Hamilton to support a Unified Voice for Cyclists

Launched in October 2015, Cycle Hamilton aims to increase the amount of safe, confident, and knowledgeable cyclists in Hamilton by promoting better infrastructure and developing partnerships with organizations, community groups, and citizens. 

To work towards this long-term goal, Cycle Hamilton has set the following goals for 2015-2016:

  • Structure: Cycle Hamilton is registered as a non-profit organization and will need to create terms of reference, by-laws, a board of directors, and a formal structure to support the organization
  • Funding: While member support will provide a monetary base to initiate our work, Cycle Hamilton will be exploring grant opportunities available to foster and develop the organization.
  • Awareness: Communicating about issues that matter to our members is a central priority. This will be done through more active use of social media, while also developing communications strategies focused on specific issues that our members want to focus on.
  • Workshops: A series of four workshops will be held from October 2015 to June 2016, with a focus on developing the organization’s goals and priorities. Outcomes of these workshops will also inform issue-specific campaigns to support our goals.
  • Strategic Plan: By September 2016 Cycle Hamilton will have drafted a 2016-2020 strategic plan to guide our efforts for the next 5 years. This plan will address goals and priorities, while also focusing on sustainability of the organization.

Become a Founding Member of Cycle Hamilton

In order to support these activities, Cycle Hamilton is seeking to develop a strong membership base by offering the following memberships:

  • Lifetime Founding Membership  – $500+
  • Organizational Founding Membership – $500+
  • Founding Membership – $50-$500
  • 1 Year Membership – $35

Membership Benefits

Why should you support Cycle Hamilton? As an organization of cyclists, Cycle Hamilton will benefit cyclists across the city by providing:

  •  A Unified Voice to ensure that members know their voice is going to be heard
  • Information Sharing to raise awareness about cycling issues and events in Hamilton
  • Targeted Campaigns to promote improved infrastructure that cyclists will benefit from
  • Community Building by connecting cyclists with organizations, community groups, and citizens

We Need Your Support

To get this organization off the ground, we are looking for support from Hamilton’s cycling community. If you are interested in joining for a one-year membership or would like to provide support through one of our founding memberships, we would love to hear from you. Please click here to join us via the membership page on our website.

Launch Party Tonight – October 2 – 8pm at Homegrown Hamilton

Join us for the launch of Cycle Hamilton! The fun-filled celebration will include live music, treats from Donut Monster, an exclusive chance to get your founding membership and so much more! The party begins at 8pm and will feature performances over the course of the night from Flat 5, Bunt, Rafael Smith Keelan, and Juliana Lachance. Tickets are $10 at the door or $5 for students and low income residents. You can also purchase a 1 Year Membership at the door for $35, which will also cover your entry ticket for the party. We look forward to celebrating this big step for cycling in Hamilton!

Thank You!

Thank You for considering becoming a member of Cycle Hamilton. We look forward to working with you to build a strong, sustainable, and effective organization that will act as a unified voice to improve cycling for all Hamiltonians.



Dave Heidebrecht                Johanna Bleecker                Heidi Vanderkwak

Director                                              Director                                              Director


On Behalf of the Cycling Hamilton Organizing Team

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