Addressing the Cycling Gender Gap in Hamilton


Research shows that women account for only 30% of the people who cycle in Hamilton. While many North American cities have similar gender gaps, it is not inevitable to have fewer women cycling. Leading cycling cities like Copenhagen and Amsterdam have much more equal representation amongst people who cycle.

Cycle Hamilton has partnered with Hamilton’s Cycling Advisory Committee to undertake a local project to better understanding the cycling gender gap, and create a plan to address it.

Our objective is to draw from existing research that has highlighted a variety of reasons why communities have a cycling gender gap, and to complement that knowledge with the lived experiences of women in Hamilton.

Project Details
Between January and June 2021, Cycle Hamilton will;

  • Conduct a literature review of relevant studies and best practices related to cycling, gender and intersectionality;
  • Host a series of virtual community roundtables to hear the lived experiences of women in Hamilton, with a special focus on the barriers related to cycling, and;
  • Produce a recommendations report with a series of Hamilton-specific recommendations to address the city’s cycling gender gap over the next five years.

The report and project materials will be made publicly available upon completion of the project. If you have any questions about this project, feel free to reach out to us via [email protected]

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