Sample Debate Question on Cycling

All candidates debates are happening over the next few weeks across the city. We encourage you to attend and ask quesitons about cycling! We recommend you ask a question about cycling, such as the one below:

“My name is (name) and I am a resident of Hamilton Ward (ward number). I am a supporter of Hamilton becoming a place where all people can get around safely and easily by bike. Hamiltonians want to bike but are concerned about their safety on our roads. Hamilton is behind in the implementation of the City’s Cycling Master Plan and we need more investment so that we can catch up. If you are elected as our ward (number) councillor, would you vote to commit funding* to properly implement and catch-up on underfunded Cycle Master Plan?”
*If asked for an exact number: The City’s Cycling Master Plan identifies a minimum annual budget commitment of $2.5 million

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