Survey Results: 2019 Federal Candidates’ Positions on Cycling

A federal election is taking place on Monday, October 21st and Cycle Hamilton reached out to all candidates to ensure that cycling was a priority. We conducted an online survey to identify opportunities and challenges for cycling at the federal level.

The federal government plays a crucial role in making cycling safer for residents. Federal governments fund infrastructure projects and set policies that affect cycling and how we get around. If we want to have a bicycle-friendly Hamilton, we need our elected officials at all levels of government to prioritize cycling.

Cycle Hamilton reached out to all candidates with publicly available contact information to discuss cycling opportunities and challenges. We hosted an online survey which received a response from 8 candidates thus far. The results of the survey are included below in alphabetical order by last name.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.


Investing in a bike-friendly community benefits everyone. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 7 = Strongly Agree)

Scott Duvall (Hamilton Mountain, NDP): 7

Peter Dyakowski (Hamilton Mountain, CPC): 6

Victoria Galea (Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, GPC): 7

Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre, NPD): 7

Jasper Kujavsky (Hamilton Centre, LPC): 7

Tony Lemma (Hamilton Centre, Independent): 7

Jason Lopez (Hamilton Centre, GPC): 7

Nick Milanovic (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, NPD): 7

Peter Ormond (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, GPC): 7

Dave Urquhart (Hamilton Mountain, GPC): 7


New and updated transportation infrastructure projects should be designed to move more people by dedicating space for people biking, walking and taking transit. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 7 = Strongly Agree)

Scott Duvall (Hamilton Mountain, NDP): 7

Peter Dyakowski (Hamilton Mountain, CPC): 6

Victoria Galea (Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, GPC): 7

Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre, NPD): 7

Jasper Kujavsky (Hamilton Centre, LPC): 7

Tony Lemma (Hamilton Centre, Independent): 7

Jason Lopez (Hamilton Centre, GPC): 7

Nick Milanovic (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, NPD): 7

Peter Ormond (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, GPC): 7

Dave Urquhart (Hamilton Mountain, GPC): 7


I support the creation of a national cycling strategy, including evidence-based mode share targets. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 7 = Strongly Agree)

Scott Duvall (Hamilton Mountain, NDP): 7

Peter Dyakowski (Hamilton Mountain, CPC): 6

Victoria Galea (Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, GPC): 7

Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre, NPD): 7

Jasper Kujavsky (Hamilton Centre, LPC): 7

Tony Lemma (Hamilton Centre, Independent): 7

Jason Lopez (Hamilton Centre, GPC): 7

Nick Milanovic (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, NPD): 7

Peter Ormond (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, GPC): 7

Dave Urquhart (Hamilton Mountain, GPC): 7


I am committed to finding opportunities to fund the development and improvement of safe cycling infrastructure. (1 = Strongly Disagree, 7 = Strongly Agree)

Scott Duvall (Hamilton Mountain, NDP): 7

Peter Dyakowski (Hamilton Mountain, CPC): 7

Victoria Galea (Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, GPC): 7

Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre, NPD): 7

Jasper Kujavsky (Hamilton Centre, LPC): 7

Tony Lemma (Hamilton Centre, Independent): 7

Jason Lopez (Hamilton Centre, GPC): 7

Nick Milanovic (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, NPD): 7

Peter Ormond (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, GPC): 7

Dave Urquhart (Hamilton Mountain, GPC): 7
















I support the creation of an e-bike rebate program that makes e-bikes more accessible to all Canadians. (Pedal assist e-bike – power only when the user is pedaling). (1 = Strongly Disagree, 7 = Strongly Agree)

Scott Duvall (Hamilton Mountain, NDP): 7

Peter Dyakowski (Hamilton Mountain, CPC): 5

Victoria Galea (Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, GPC): 6

Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre, NPD): 7

Jasper Kujavsky (Hamilton Centre, LPC):

Tony Lemma (Hamilton Centre, Independent): 7

Jason Lopez (Hamilton Centre, GPC): 7

Nick Milanovic (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, NPD): 7

Peter Ormond (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, GPC): 7

Dave Urquhart (Hamilton Mountain, GPC): 7


What do you see as the federal government’s role in creating communities that are safe for walking and cycling?

Peter Dyakowski (Hamilton Mountain, CPC): Working with our provincial and municipal partners to ensure sustainable transit systems that work for all commuters.

Victoria Galea (Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, GPC): We must provide subsidies and create new legislature guaranteeing access to safer cycling and walking paths.

Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre, NPD): The NDP is committed to implementing a National Cycling Strategy that would support and encourage cycling in all forms (commuter, tourism and recreational) with infrastructure planning, programming, standards and education. Investing in cycling infrastructure is helpful to reduce the amount of time Canadians spend stuck in traffic and also better for the environment.

Tony Lemma (Hamilton Centre, Independent): Pursuing a national public transportation strategy, inclusive of safe walking and cycling and that is accessible for people with different abilities.

Jason Lopez (Hamilton Centre, GPC): The Green Party believes the Federal government needs help in the funding of walking and cycling infrastructure. For to long infrastructure funding has been dedicated primarily to car culture.

Nick Milanovic (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, NPD): A New Democrat government would implement a cycling strategy to fight climate change and support community planning and design that makes travel safe, convenient and comfortable for everyone, regardless of their mode of transportation.

Peter Ormond (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, GPC): Work with municipalities.

Dave Urquhart (Hamilton Mountain, GPC): I am a cyclist myself.  We must work with all levels of government to ensure that we create communities that are safe for walking and cycling.


Is cycling in your platform? If so, what specific improvements or policies would you work to implement for cyclists in your community and how would they be financially supported?

Scott Duvall (Hamilton Mountain, NDP): yes,

Peter Dyakowski (Hamilton Mountain, CPC): Our platform reinstates the public transit tax credit which will make life more affordable (and commuting more feasible) for cyclists to get up and down the mountain without having to only rely only on their cars.

Victoria Galea (Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, GPC): Create a national cycling and walking infrastructure fund to help support zero-emissions active transportation.

Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre, NPD): Yes – the development of a National Cycling Strategy is part of the NDP platform. Through this strategy, we would seek to outline clear and achievable targets for cycling growth, facilitate data collection, identify policies that would support the cycling industry in Canada, promote research and establish a clear framework for investment.

Tony Lemma (Hamilton Centre, Independent): Yes, I stand for having a national public transportation strategy, inclusive of safe walking and cycling and that is accessible for people with different abilities.

Jason Lopez (Hamilton Centre, GPC): The Green Party platform includes a federally funded walking and cycling fund. We would also increase funding to municipalities which could also be invested in cycling infrastructure or bike sharing programs.

Nick Milanovic (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, NPD): Cycling is in our platform – we believe that it is time for a New Deal to fight against the climate crisis and to encourage active transportation that is safe, practical and recreational. Quality transit is essential in making our cities run and we must do better to reduce traffic in our cities, which have record levels of congestion. We will work with municipalities and provinces to make cycling a safe and accessible priority.

Peter Ormond (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, GPC): Yes. Please review our platform and policy document Vision Green.

Dave Urquhart (Hamilton Mountain, GPC):  We will create a national cycling and walking infrastructure fund.


Is there anything else you’d like us to know about your views on cycling and active transportation?

Peter Dyakowski (Hamilton Mountain, CPC): I am a supporter of healthy, active lifestyles that include sport and cycling for all Canadians. If elected the children’s fitness tax credit will help to increase participation in sport for kids who may not otherwise be able to. This establishes physical activity, team work, and putting others first as strong early foundations.

Victoria Galea (Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, GPC): It is essential to not only move away from the combustion engine and into electric vehicles, but the fastest way to lower our carbon footprint is to create safe and accessible cycling and walking infrastructure.

Matthew Green (Hamilton Centre, NPD): As a City Councillor, I was active in supporting cycling, building cycling infrastructure in Hamilton and participating in cycling events like “Every Day in May”. My enthusiasm for cycling as an affordable, healthy and green way of getting around is aligned with Jagmeet Singh’s personal and professional commitment to cycling.

Jason Lopez (Hamilton Centre, GPC): The Green Party is a big supporter of getting out of our cars and being active. Cycling does both.

Nick Milanovic (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek, NPD): NDP leaders have long advocated for cycling as a mode of transportation. The late Jack Layton was a well-known cycling enthusiast and now NDP leader Jagmeet Singh wants to bring his love for two-wheeled-transportation to Canadians everywhere with a national strategy to make cycling safer for everyone.

Dave Urquhart (Hamilton Mountain, GPC): Between public transit, cycling, and walking, Greens are committed to transitioning Canadians to getting around in new ways.


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