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May 2024 Sydenham Rd Incident

An open letter to the Hamilton Police Service (HPS), city councilors of Hamilton, and residents of the City of Hamilton and surrounding area, UPDATE: In July 2024, Board Members Tim Carr and Abbie Little met with two Staff Sergeants from Hamilton Police Services to discuss the letter and incident. They…

Bike Day 2024

Celebrate Cycling on June 6, 2024 at Hamilton City Hall! Join us for tea, coffee, snacks, and more! Ride in one of six group rides. Click Read More for all the details.

A look at bike lane funding

The city actually will only be spending $6.6 million a year over the four years with the rest of the money coming from provincial and federal subsidies like the “Active Transportation Fund.” By Mark Anderson I was thrilled and honoured to speak to Spectator reporter Matthew Von Dongen about the city’s…

November 2019 Update from Friendly Streets Hamilton

Over the recent weeks, Friendly Streets has been active through all our project neighbourhoods, while growing our capacity in Centennial. Downtown, with help from Beautiful Alleys, we moved to create some more greenspace with a pollinator garden along Wellness Way, an alley that can serve as a north-south connector to…