Update on Herkimer & Queen

Blog post by Jamie Stuckless

A big thank you to Councillor Wilson and City staff for re-designing the Herkimer & Queen intersection with cycling safety in mind.

As part of the two-way conversation on Queen St, a traffic light is being added at Herkimer. To enhance safety for people cycling through the intersection, concrete barrier curbs with bollards are being added along the Herkimer bike lane on both sides of the intersection. The bike lane will also be marked with green paint within the intersection. Left turns across the bike lane will be prohibited to reduce conflicts.

This consent item went to the Public Works Committee on November 18th. You can read the report online here (page 291): https://pub-hamilton.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=209067

We were pleased to work with Councillor Wilson to host a consultation on this intersection as part of our monthly members’ meeting in September. Plans for the re-construction of York Blvd were also discussed at that meeting — more to come on that.

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