We’re looking for a crew of volunteers to help make this peak riding season extra special! We have some community events coming up this summer where we could use support, and we’re hoping some of you are available and interested!
Upcoming events when volunteers are needed:
Sunday, May 26: Open Streets
Sunday, June 2: Bike for Mike
Tuesday, June 4- Sunday, June 9: Pedal Poll
Thursday, June 6: Bike Day
And more!
Possible volunteer roles:
– Promoting Cycle Hamilton and cycling at events (tabling)
– Running cycling activities (e.g. crafts)
– Event set-up and tear-down
– Group rides (e.g. as a sweep)
– Social media support
– Bike valet support
Can you volunteer this year — on Sunday May 26 for Open Streets or other events? Fill out the questionnaire by Saturday May 18 and let us know more about you and your availability!
We’ll get back to you to confirm and then confirmed volunteers will receive more information before upcoming events. (If you have questions about the process, please fill out the form, there is room to ask questions within!)
Thank you!!
Cycle Hamilton